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March 2016

How We Celebrated 5 Years on the Piney River Farm Beer Events

How We Celebrated 5 Years on the Piney River Farm

Five years. Five years?! FIVE YEARS!!! In February, during our grand opening weekend for the new brewery, I told people that five years ago, if you would have told me that there would be a new 12,000 square foot barn on our farm with a new brewhouse, new cold storage, new canning line, etc., I would have laughed and said, “You’ve obviously been drinking.” And here we are, five years later with all of those things and celebrating our 5th Aleiversary to boot. For the first time at an Aleiversary, Brian and I did not spend a crazy portion of the…
Things to Know Before the Big Event Beer Events

Things to Know Before the Big Event

First and foremost, we will be celebrating with Piney River beer all weekend long--Friday from 2 to 9 p.m., Saturday from 12 to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m.  The BIG event will be Saturday's party with lots of beer, two food trucks and two bands.  Here is a little bit more information about Saturday's event so you are prepared! The Aleiversary is free admission as our thanks to you for your great support over the past 5 years! The Aleiversary is open to all ages. We will give all attendees over the age of 21 a…
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