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Old barn, new face

Our first pile of treated lumber has been exhausted, but the BARn has a new face.  Ta-da!

“Battens”, the skinny boards that go over the seams between the big boards (like the original look of the barn, as in “board and batten” style) need to be added as well as a few doors, but you can see that the new face of the barn is quite nice.  And don’t miss the cool window up at the top of the BARn.

We climbed up to the loft this evening to take a gander of the window from the inside, and holy cow (!) our East end, upstairs doors were propped up against the wall there.  All I can say, when you see them installed, you’re gonna be impressed.  Or, just drop by, and you can take a really steep ladder climb up into the loft for your own view of things….

While I was snapping photos this morning before work/school, Andy needed a photo in front of the barn, too.  He may be too young to drink beer, but he’s really digging the construction going on in “the brewery”.  And, yes, Andy knows and understands that terminology, too.  What can you expect; when Andy was three he requested that we do “cheers” before dinner, as he raised his milk cup to us.  “Like I do at school with my friends,” he explained to his wide-eyed parents.

So, to a new face for our old barn–Cheers!

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