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Brewers Association

The True Tale About Old Tom Porter’s 2nd GABF Win Beer EventsThe Beer

The True Tale About Old Tom Porter’s 2nd GABF Win

There we were...livestreaming the Great American Beer Festival feed from Denver. It was Saturday, October 12th, a date that we had set for our annual Fall on the Farm long before the Brewer's Association offered a free booth space to GABF brewery attendees. In previous years we have attended GABF as a way to support the BA, the national trade association for America's craft brewers. Then came Covid which shut GABF down. Then it was Andy's senior year of high school with activities we didn't want to miss every weekend. In 2023 we were moving Andy to Stanford, and we…
Fest with Beers in October Beer EventsThe BARnThe Beer

Fest with Beers in October

The leaves are changing. There's a cool nip in the air every morning. The antlered deer and brown trout are showing off. The Oktoberfest lagers and pumpkin spiced beers are on the shelves, too. This is the time of year when we would usually regale you with a Saturday afternoon of music, food, and beer with Fall on the Farm. Due to concerns with community spread of Covid-19 in large gatherings, we continue to keep the BARn open but keeping the music simple and the food limited to pizza. We GREATLY appreciate all of your support over the past few…
The Biggest Beer Fest in the US Beer Events

The Biggest Beer Fest in the US

Are you coming to see us at the 2018 Great American Beer Festival in Denver next week? Brian & Joleen - GABF '17  There’s a whole new set up on the festival floor this year, and we’re excited about it!  In the past, the festival has been divided by region, which was fine but weird.  Our friends and neighbors in Illinois were located in the “Great Lakes” region, not the Midwest.  We always had people say they were looking for us next to breweries in the Great Lakes area, or they would have a Piney River beer and ask where…
Piney River Brewing Company
September 13, 2018
Brewcyrus Does Portland, A CBC 2015 Recap Beer Events

Brewcyrus Does Portland, A CBC 2015 Recap

“This is insane,” the cab driver said to Brian and I. He was talking about the 11,000+ people in attendance at the Craft Brewer’s Conference in Portland last week. “We aren’t able to handle groups like this,” the cab driver said. “We had a big coffee convention here, but those people didn’t go out to big events every night and need rides everywhere.”  (Which leads me to believe that the coffee folks just don’t have nearly as much fun as the beer folks.) This was our 5th time to attend a Craft Brewer’s Conference, our first time to visit Portland,…
The Behind the Scenes Peek at Our First World Beer Cup Win The Beer

The Behind the Scenes Peek at Our First World Beer Cup Win

I need to preface this blog post by saying that I feel like anything I write here is going to seem much less dramatic than Piney River's first big win at the Great American Beer Festival.  Even in those moments after we won Gold at GABF last October, I remember thinking, "There will never be another moment like this one."  There's only one first time. Shortly after the 2013 Great American Beer Festival, we were contacted to participate in the largest beer competition in the world--the World Beer Cup.  Also put on by the Brewer's Association, the World Beer Cup…
Piney River Brewing Wins Gold at the World Beer Cup® The Beer

Piney River Brewing Wins Gold at the World Beer Cup®

Piney River Brewing Company in Bucyrus, MO claimed a gold award in the 2014 World Beer Cup, a global beer competition that evaluates beers from around the world and recognizes the most outstanding brewers and their beers. Gold, silver and bronze awards in the competition’s 94 beer style categories were presented April 11, 2014 during the World Beer Cup award ceremony at the Hyatt Regency in Denver, Colorado. Piney River Brewing was awarded a gold award in the American-style wheat beer style category for its Float Trip Ale, a wheat-based blonde ale featuring pale wheat and malted barley with balanced,…
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