The Best Aleiversary Line Up EVER
It's really hard to believe that nine years ago we opened the red door on the BARn and invited anyone that was interested to come try some beer that Brian and I brewed on our Sabco Brew Magic. Andy was a four-year old. We had our first dog, Sam, and our first cats, Barney and Pumpkin. The girlfriends were all pretty young. Fast forward nine years--Andy's got his own Root Beer line! We've got our second dog, Annie, and two more cats, Skylar and BC. Some of the girlfriends' babies are raising their own young on the Farm these days.…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 21, 2019
Eighth Aleiversary Event Planned at Piney River Brewing
Bucyrus, Missouri • February 23, 2019—Piney River Brewing Company is celebrating their eighth anniversary on Saturday, March 23rd at the brewery in Bucyrus. The “8th Aleiversary” party will be held at the BARn—the brewery and tap room located off Junction ZZ in Bucyrus—from 12 to 7 p.m. This year’s Aleiversary event features special beer releases, two bands, and two food trucks. Mule Team IPA, an imperial India pale ale, is released annually at Piney River’s Aleiversary. The 2019 Mule Team will be a “brut-style” IPA—dry, crisp, and heavily hopped and dry-hopped exclusively with Nelson-Sauvin hops from New Zealand. The Nelson-Sauvin variety…
Piney River Brewing CompanyFebruary 23, 2019
Be In the Know for the 7th Aleiversary
First and foremost, we will be celebrating with Piney River beer all weekend long–Friday from 4 to 9 p.m., Saturday from 12 to 7 p.m., and Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m. We will not have a food truck at the BARn on Friday or Sunday, but we will have our delicious Piney River Pizza. So, if you want a pizza with your beer, have our staff whip one up for you. Do you need a place to stay this weekend? Check out the variety of places in our area under “local info”. Boiling Springs Resort in Licking has camping and RV…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 20, 2018
Missouri Mule Kicked the Green Can Down the Road
We recently poured beer at West Plains Beerfest, and we had a few people come up to our tub of craft can goodness, and say, "I like the one in the green can." Actually, people have been saying that they like the one in the green can since November 2011 when Missouri Mule IPA was the second beer we ever canned on the Piney River Farm. We are still proud to the be first craft brewery in Missouri to put an IPA in a can because we love hops! The green Missouri Mule IPA can was kicked down the road…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 13, 2018
It’s Our 7th Aleiversary! Who’s Ready for a Party?
Piney River Brewing Company is celebrating their seventh anniversary on Sat., Mar. 24th at the brewery in Bucyrus. The “7th Aleiversary” party will be held at the BARn—the brewery and tap room located off Junction ZZ—from 12 to 7 p.m. “We are looking forward to enjoying a beautiful spring day in the Ozarks at our upcoming Aleiversary,” Joleen Durham, co-founder and owner, said. Durham described the Aleiversary as “the biggest event in Bucyrus”. Each spring hundreds of people from across the region visit the Piney River Farm for the Aleiversary. “The event is family-friendly, and there is no charge for admission,”…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 6, 2018
Sixth Aleiversary Coming Up! You’re Gonna Be Here, Right?
Piney River Brewing Company is celebrating their sixth anniversary on Sat., Mar. 25th at the brewery in Bucyrus. The “6th Aleiversary” party will be held at the BARn—the brewery and tap room located off Junction ZZ—from 12 to 7 p.m. “Once again, we are looking forward to enjoying a beautiful spring day in the Ozarks at our upcoming Aleiversary,” Joleen Durham, co-founder and owner, said. Durham described the Aleiversary as “the biggest event in Bucyrus”. Each spring hundreds of people from across the region visit the Piney River Farm for the Aleiversary. “The event is family-friendly, and there is no charge…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 8, 2017
Honey, I Shrunk the Piney River Cans
Today was a cloudy, rainy day on the Piney River Farm; not too different from the cloudy, rainy night in 2011 when Piney River first canned craft beer in the Ozarks. Today’s first--12 ounce Piney River cans. Those of us that have been canning beer on the Farm are still trying to adjust to these smaller cans in our hands, but we’re doing what many of our consumers and our distributors have asked us to do by putting our beer in a smaller can. Waaay back in 2011 when Piney River was the first microbrewery in the state to can beer…
Piney River Brewing CompanyOctober 12, 2016
Things to Know Before the Big Event

First and foremost, we will be celebrating with Piney River beer all weekend long--Friday from 2 to 9 p.m., Saturday from 12 to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m. The BIG event will be Saturday's party with lots of beer, two food trucks and two bands. Here is a little bit more information about Saturday's event so you are prepared! The Aleiversary is free admission as our thanks to you for your great support over the past 5 years! The Aleiversary is open to all ages. We will give all attendees over the age of 21 a…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 14, 2016
Party Like It's Been Five (?!) Years on the Farm
Piney River Brewing Company is celebrating their fifth anniversary on Sat., Mar. 19th at the brewery in Bucyrus. The “5th Aleiversary” party will be held at the BARn—the brewery and tap room located off Junction ZZ—from 12 to 7 p.m. “Once again, we are looking forward to enjoying a beautiful spring day in the Ozarks at our upcoming Aleiversary,” Joleen Durham, co-founder and owner, said. Durham described the Aleiversary as “the biggest event in Bucyrus”. Last year’s event brought in almost 1,000 people from across the region to the Piney River Farm. “The event is family-friendly, and there is no charge…
Piney River Brewing CompanyFebruary 24, 2016
4th Aleiversary—The Best One Yet
Yes, we had some anxiety about the 4th Aleiversary. Just like the 3rd Aleiversary, we planned to be overwhelmed. Portapotties? Check. Two food trucks? Check. Security? Check. Beer trailer with six taps outside? Check. ID bracelets and beer tickets? Had those to. We even had a brand spanking new deck addition--built just in time. Everyone knows that the sun always shines on the Aleiversary, so even though we began watching the weather religiously a month in advance, sunshine seemed pretty likely (insert fingers and toes crossed). On February 13th the construction on our building ground to a halt with snow,…
Piney River Brewing CompanyMarch 17, 2015