There will not be any pigeons harmed in making the BARn, but they will be relocated. I believe that the pigeon colony that roosts nightly in the barn senses they will lose their habitat soon. When we walk around the barn in the evening, they circle overhead crying their displeasure at our intrusion.
All the pigeon poop has been scraped out of the barn loft. These days the pigeons only perch in the rafters at night; there’s way too much action going on in the barn during the day.
This week, the concrete was completed. After Brian did a little more excavating–this time in front of the barn–we poured a concrete pad at the front and a small retaining wall on the South side.
One night of concrete pouring went into the after dark hours, but, for now, we’re done. Although we forgot to pour a couple of steps off the back of the barn, we did remember to pour a small pad in front of the door that will serve as our main entrance in the beginning of the operation.
After having a tough time getting the boards for the BARn, we finally got a load of wood last week. The bottom row of 12′ boards has almost been completed on the West end. You can see the doors and very large sidelights are framed up to go into the West end. We also have a large window to go into the top. Our plans include building a huge deck off the West end of the BARn, too.
Although the BARn pigeons are quickly losing loft space in Bucyrus, there’s one baby pigeon that Reuben found last week (at a different construction site) that has gained a new Texas County home. Reuben adopted the pigeon, and he’s been toting it back and forth between home and our barn so it doesn’t miss meals.
This pigeon has been eating Sonic fries, garden bugs and whatever else Reuben can coax it into trying. On Friday we discovered that the pigeon also seems to prefer unfiltered camels after Reuben offered him one of his cigarettes. A barn with a smoking pigeon…you can say you saw it first here.
You know you’re gonna have to name a brew after this story, now… The Smoking Pigeon. I’ll do the art for it. I love it!
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Awesome barn! Perfect place for a Brewco.