There are a lot of things that our new brewery has enabled us to do besides make larger quantities of beer at one time. With our new space, we have the additional fermentation tank space to try some things that we have never done in our professional brewing history. Making lagers is one of those things. There are basically two different types of beer—ale and lager. What determines if a beer is an ale or a lager is based on the yeast and the way the beer ferments. The yeast in an ale ferments on top of the beer at…
Piney River Brewing CompanyApril 27, 2017
Today was a cloudy, rainy day on the Piney River Farm; not too different from the cloudy, rainy night in 2011 when Piney River first canned craft beer in the Ozarks. Today’s first--12 ounce Piney River cans. Those of us that have been canning beer on the Farm are still trying to adjust to these smaller cans in our hands, but we’re doing what many of our consumers and our distributors have asked us to do by putting our beer in a smaller can. Waaay back in 2011 when Piney River was the first microbrewery in the state to can beer…
Piney River Brewing CompanyOctober 12, 2016
We are so excited to bring you the Piney River Brewing Company 2017 release calendar! Twelve ounce cans are headed your way! There will be more information about that later, and actual 12 oz cans sooner rather than later, too. Stay tuned for that! We are releasing--in limited quantities--new canned beers throughout the year. They are Raise a Ruckus Imperial Stout, River Access Ozarks Lager and Aux Arcs Saison. And that foeder, those barrels, the original BARn is officially where we've got the funk going on. The first of our Farm Raised Funk was Lizzie Twister, the first funkified beer…
Piney River Brewing CompanySeptember 21, 2016