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Barn naked!

I rounded the bend on our road this evening about 12 hours from the time I left this morning and saw this!

BARn...fully exposed backside!

Reuben and Sam flat got with it today!   (Not that they don’t on most days, but this, the barren barn side, looks pretty impressive.)

After Sam and Reuben had a week off to work on another project, and Brian had a week off to fish in a tournament (no, I didn’t take the week off…I stained the other window, picked up rocks, etc.), Sam and Reuben returned this week and finished up the roof and the boards and battens on the front of the barn.  All I can say is, ain’t she a beaut!

See the pulley left hanging from the roof?

The doors that you see in the center of the barn will be mirrored by the same type of doors on the other side of barn.  We plan to throw both sets of doors open to the breeze when entertaining at the BARn.  On the West side of the barn, the doors will open to large porch.   When you walk up or drive up to the barn, the glass in the doors will allow you to see all the way through.

Sam thinks we should paint the doors brown.  I want to paint the doors the same color of “rustic red” as the roof.  Brian’s leaning toward it, too, but he’s kinda scared of color.  Of course, I’m not at all intimidated by color (that’s why we make such a great team).  What do you think about the door color?

Looking "through" the barn from the East to the West

There’s a lot of wood to be replaced in the next couple of weeks.  We’re going to pour the concrete floors in the barn next week, too.  For a few nights, the barn loft pigeons have a roost with a heckuva view!

The pump jacks are back!

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