Anybody up for a 6th Aleiversary?
We moved our Aleiversary celebration to the last weekend in March this year in order to better accommodate the schedules of our distributor and retail partners. We wanted them to be able to join us in celebrating instead of being up to their eyeballs in St. Patrick’s Day revelry, and it worked! Brian and I hosted almost 100 retail and distribution partners at the BARn for the Aleiversary. Even better—over 600 of our friends and fans and Ozarks craft beer lovers came out for our big day on Saturday. And many of you also joined us on Friday and Sunday, too.

Steve Ames himself getting hooked up with a beer!

Auntie Em & the Tornadoes
The weather on Saturday did not cooperate completely, and watching the forecast a week in advance we moved into “rain” mode, making plans to move the band and a large portion of the crowd inside the brewery. We put the band down by the brewhouse, marked a few off limits areas and set up tables and chairs near the band and picnic tables away from the band. We parked an 8-tap beer trailer inside the main brewery and poured and poured and poured beers.
The only snag was that The Waffle Company by Twisted Mike’s broke down in Seymour, so we did not have our second food truck as planned. We were not planning to make pizza to sell in the tap room, but as the line grew by Mike and Julie’s Smoked Meats, the pizza oven was turned on, and Brian and Drake made about a million pizzas. Mike and Julie sold out of BBQ at 5, turning out plates of food in less than two minutes per plate. We really didn’t make a million pizzas, but we made so many that on Sunday afternoon when the tap room was open we made five pizzas and ran out of ingredients. All I can say is thank goodness we decided to add pizza in the tap room two weeks ago!
There were some downpours (even during bright sunshine), and when it wasn’t raining the decks were full, bags were thrown, and many photos of the cows and the turkeys were taken.
Thank you so much to all of you that took the time to come out personally and see us for the Aleiversary. Thanks also those of you that sent messages and love via social media, too.
It’s so hard to believe that we opened our doors over 6 years ago. I feel a little older, but I am getting more sleep than I did in the first two or three years. I look at Andy and I realize that yes, six years have passed since 2011. None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for the great fans that we have across Missouri and even around the country. We are so lucky to know you and to share our beer and our love of the Ozarks with you. Thank you for 6 amazing years and an even more amazing 6th Aleiversary.
So, who’s up for Lucky #7?

Love and cheers from Brian, Joleen & Andy!