Or so the baseball movie went.
The saying may be true about microbreweries, too.
On Saturday morning, we were up early with various farm/home related work plans. By 9 a.m. I was in the garden cutting back the raspberry canes and pulling out some spent veggie plants. Brian was transferring some home brew from fermentation units to kegs and cleaning homebrew stuff on the front porch.
About 10 a.m. we both heard four-wheelers on our road, and to our surprise, they pulled up our driveway instead of driving down into the Walnut Grove.
Two men got off the four-wheelers, and Brian knew who one of them was. The other was someone we had not met, but they were both “neighbors”.
“This is just what this place needed,” the newly met neighbor said enthusiastically, regarding Piney River Brewing Company.
Of course, we’re still quite a few weeks (or months) out from an official brewery, but there was some serious excitement from these gentlemen. They had heard about PRBC from another neighbor, and they had to come check it out for themselves. The BARn met with their approval—the appropriate look for a brewery in Texas County. One of the neighbors, a fan of a Texas-based microbrewery, plans to bring family from out of town for a visit over the Thanksgiving holidays.
These neighbors are also pleased with the fact that they are within four-wheeler riding distance. So, in addition to the hitching post, I guess we’ll have to have parking for ATV’s?
After their mini-tour and departure for home, Brian and I had mini panic attacks into the early afternoon thinking about how we are going to brew enough beer….
And I’m waiting for an area aviation enthusiast to request a landing strip in one of our fields.
So… any chance your gonna mow a 1500ft long 100ft wide grass strip for me to fly in?? I’ll bring guests from wherever you want 🙂
When I was a kid there was lady nearby that did hang gliding, and she flew over our farm all the time. She would wave at my family. As a kid I thought it was a crazy but cool thing. First we had the request for a hitching post, then the four-wheeler riders showed up. I was thinking, “What next? Airplanes?”
I guess a runway could happen, but if you think the Houston airstrip is on a slope, wait until you see the one we cut into the fields. And we’ll probably have to open gates before you land….