We really couldn’t have asked for better weather this October. When it comes to a building project, we’ve had dry, mild days. And despite the August heat wave, the fall color isn’t too bad either.
We have some grass growing where the trenches were dug to run water and furnace lines.
The bottles have been restored to the hackberry stump by the greenhouse.
And the BARn is almost completely enclosed.
The two holes next to the upstairs doors here will be large windows. A giant deck is in the plans for this end of the BARn. The sunsets over the hillside from this view are fabulous.
And finally…
Sam built custom doors for both sides of the front entrance of the BARn. They won’t get used much, but when we need to move large things in and out of the brewery, they will open wide. Or, if it’s just a beautiful Indian summer day and we want to open up the brewery to a little fall sunshine, we can do that, too.