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This is McCall.  She’s one of the girlfirends that lives at Piney River Brewing Company.  McCall is a locavore.

Actually, all of the cows, calves and Papi, the bull, at PRBC are locavores.  We manage our pastures so that they have native grasses, clover and fescue to eat for most of the year.  And when they eat hay, it comes from just a few fields over.

We take pride in the food our girls eat, and if we eat one of their calves, we are proud of the locally grown, grass-raised beef that graces our table.  And since we started brewing, the girlfriends have partaken of another locally produced product–spent grains.


A tub of grains left over from our Oktoberfest home brewing.



Four girlfriends check out this mid-morning snack.


I take pride in drinking microbrews because most of them are locally produced and distributed products.  And when you drink something made at PRBC, you should know that the grain goes on to sustain another locally produced product.

Which makes you a locavore, too.

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  • Brenda Senter says:

    I loved both of your postings and the barn doors are fantastic. I can’t wait to bring friends to see the place and enjoy some of your brew. One of the new chamber member restaurants is highlighting Shiner Bock and it won’t be long until someone will want to highlight Piney River Brewing company in their location.

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