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In October, we celebrate the 200 year tradition that was born in Munich on October 12, 1810 with the marriage of Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese.  The five-day public celebration became what we celebrate today as Oktoberfest.

Around the Durham household, October means several things.  If you’re a 14-year old Dalmatian, you spend those Indian summer days running around outside and crashing on your pallet indoors.

If you’re a 5-year old, you spend part of October playing your heart out in soccer.


Andy does a goalie kick.


And 200 years after the first Oktoberfest, the future home of Oktoberfest in Bucyrus, MO received its complete covering in treated pine.  First, the bare bones of the barn were uncovered on each side.

It didn’t take long to slap the 14′ boards up on the sides.

We also took delivery and began hook up of our new central boiler heating unit.  This wood furnace heats water and the heated water also is used to blow heat into our house.  These units are very safe, efficient and the latest thing in heating units.  We are using this unit to heat our house and the BARn.


We cut down a couple of old trees that were near the furnace. It was installed on a pad we poured behind the shed.


In September, a hackberry tree in the backyard lost another big limb–the first big limb was lost in the derecho that hit in May 2008.  With the loss of the second limb, the hackberry had a huge split down its middle.  Time for that tree to go.  Brian started cutting on the tree, and Reuben came running over.  To save Brian from himself?  We’ll never know.  Brian pushed against the tree with the skid steer bucket, and Reuben cut through the tree.

The tree fell, and guess what I’ve got in my backyard perennial bed now?  Another hackberry bottle tree stump!

We had a little family celebration with friends on 10-10-10 to celebrate Oktoberfest, and as the leaves are changing on the hillsides around the farm, this is our new barn view.

I’m thinkin’ this barn is going to be around for Oktoberfest in 211o….

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